Turn Savings into Gold
Gold Saving Scheme
A gold savings scheme functions akin to a recurring bank deposit, with the ultimate goal of acquiring gold. In this arrangement, individuals make monthly deposits over a specific period, intending to use the accumulated amount to purchase gold at the scheme’s conclusion.
In contrast to a traditional recurring deposit plan, a gold savings scheme doesn’t accrue interest on the deposited sum. To compensate for this absence of interest, jewelers often incorporate a bonus into the total deposited amount. Commonly, jewelers offer the final installment as a cash incentive or provide a discount on that last installment to enhance the overall value for participants.

Different Types Of Schemes
- Fixed Monthly Deposit Schemes: Participants make fixed monthly contributions for a predetermined period, and at the end of the tenure, they can purchase gold equivalent to the total amount deposited.
- Flexi-Plan Schemes: These schemes offer flexibility in the amount of monthly contributions. Participants can adjust the deposit amount based on their financial capabilities, allowing for more adaptable savings.
- Jewelry Purchase Plans: Some schemes are specifically designed for the purchase of gold jewelry. Participants accumulate funds over time and, at the end of the scheme, can use the deposited amount to buy gold jewelry from the same jeweler.
- Gold Accumulation Plans: Participants contribute regularly, and the scheme accumulates gold on their behalf. The accumulated gold can be redeemed in the form of coins, bars, or other physical gold items.
- Bonus-Linked Plans: In addition to regular contributions, these plans offer bonuses to participants upon completion of the scheme. The bonus may come in the form of additional gold or a cash incentive.
- Discounted Purchase Plans: Some schemes provide participants with a discount on the final installment or offer a special rate when purchasing gold at the end of the tenure.
- Long-Term Investment Plans: These plans have longer tenures, catering to individuals looking for extended investment horizons. They often provide additional benefits or rewards for commitment over a more extended period.
- Digital Gold Savings: With the advent of technology, some platforms allow individuals to invest in digital gold, where the value of the investment is equivalent to a certain amount of physical gold. This is often more suitable for those who prefer a digital or paperless approach.
- Children’s Gold Savings Plans: Tailored for parents who want to accumulate gold for their children’s future, these plans often come with additional features such as educational benefits or bonuses.
- Group Savings Plans: Participants join together to contribute towards a common goal, such as buying gold collectively. This type of plan can offer collective benefits and discounts.